Hello Mozillians,
Every year on January 28th, we celebrate the International Data Privacy Day. This year also to celebrate the day we are staring with the Privacy Month Campaign. It is a community led initiative to make users and makers of the web learn, teach, care and share about Online Privacy.
The aim of this campaign is to teach privacy basics and advanced dynamics to the web users and make them understand its importance via some fun activities and online posts. These posts are both informative as well as an interesting way to deliver the important message of Online Privacy and various infringements to it on the Internet today. Privacy Month is the first of many steps we’ll be taking this year in an effort to empower the users of the web to protect their privacy and control their digital footprint.
This campaign was originated by Mozilla India and is intended to be a global campaign. Communities from all over the world can participate. Please see below for the ways you can get involved. Volunteers are welcome to help with online posts, events, teaching kits and other resources like localization, and more.
Following the success of last year’s campaign, this year too has 2 parts:
- Online: 31 Teachable Moments. The goal of the online campaign is to provide a privacy tip a day that an average user could complete in 10 minutes or less. Tips will be shared through social media, such as Facebook and Twitter.
- Offline: Host a Popup or community event/session/workshop to teach about privacy. The community will be hosting in-person privacy events throughout the month of January. This year, we hope this project goes global and include Mozilla community privacy events from around the world. You can help us by hosting online privacy focused events in your neighborhood, campus, school, city or region.
Share your experiences using these hash tags: #PrivacyMonth #Advocate4Privacy. Want to know more, here is how.
To know more about this campaign, click here. To know more about last year’s campaign, click here.
You can contribute by tweeting and posting on Facebook about online privacy. Help us by retweeting and sharing the daily tips through your Twitter and Facebook accounts (#PrivacyMonth #Advocate4Privacy).
Sign up to support the campaign: https://reps.mozilla.org/e/privacy-month-campaign-2017/ (Reps and Vouched Mozillians can sign up at the above link using their profile)
We have started the campaign with the initial posts on Twitter and Facebook.
Join in and help us build a safer web for all !
Here’s wishing you a very Happy New Year !
Cherlowe Reinard Ramirez
wrote on
Sarfraz Khan
wrote on