Hello World!
This year for International Data Privacy day, Mozilla India Policy and Advocacy task force planned to contribute towards making internet a safer place by spreading awareness about privacy online as well as offline.
The whole campaign was organized with Zero budget, using the POWER of INTERNET to collaborate and innovate online and offline. The duration of offline events was meant to be 1 to 3 hours (Max 3) where the online campaign was to drive conversations on social media around privacy.
Introductory post: http://blogmozillaindiaorg.wpengine.mcws.mozilla.community/1569
Online efforts: A Tip of the day with hashtags #advocate4privacy and #privacymonth was shared for whole month of January from twitter and facebook channels of Mozilla India. Each tip had its related resources which were shared from twitter handle of Mozilla India Policy and Advocacy task force following each tip of the day.
The tips were designed in such a way that anyone can understand them easily and teach others too. An archive of all the tips and related resources was maintained for easy reference post campaign: https://wiki.mozilla.org/India/task_force/Policy_and_Advocacy/January_Privacy_Month_Campaign#Tip_Of_The_Day_Archives
The social impact created was huge which includes Total Reach of 14,339,553 and 4639 mentions. You can read about the whole social impact here : http://blogmozillaindiaorg.wpengine.mcws.mozilla.community/1611 .
Few community members helped in localizing the tips in their local language.
Mozilla Hispano , Brazil , Philippines, Utah, Mombasa and Bangladesh communities also participated in online campaign. Huge thanks to all of them.
Offline efforts: Mozilla communities around the globe organized privacy focused events in their region.
Total number of events organized : 47 which includes communities and popup events from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines and Mombasa.
Note: This number is based on the blogs, photos and information collected for individual events from different communities. The number includes registered as well as unregistered events on reps portal.
Also, Bangladesh community had planned the Privacy Week in their region.
The total number of blogs created : 34.
Here is the list of all the blogs generated bit.ly/1PI6xZR separated by the communities.
Note: If your blogpost is not listed here, please let us know and we will include it in the list.
The offline events were conducted not in just school and colleges but also in Hostels, hangout places like CCD (Cafe Coffee Day), rural areas whichshows the true spirits of all these Mozillians. Thanks to all the Mozillians who made it possible.
Apart from these the privacy month campaign was discussed in Maker Fest , Ahmadabad, Leadership Summit – Singapore. And the response we got was incredible.
We would like to thank all the task force members who helped us in creating tips, resources, graphics, communicating with various communities, gathering tips related resources, localizing tips and maintaining wiki throughout the whole month and managing social media channels.
We would like to specially thank Stacy Martin for supervising us throughout the whole campaign.
This Post was authored by Diwanshi Pandey
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