Marketplace Day, the first ever and one of its kind event which was totally based on Marketplace code-contribution happened on May 16th at Hyderabad Mozilla Community Space – Collab House. The event was not just tech but fun and entertain as well – In one word , Awesome \o/. We had a count of 16 Participants & 9 volunteers who joined the event. Both the participants and volunteers were curated based on their applications. We had a great Volunteers team and the participants also to volunteer fellow participants.
As per our Planned Agenda, We kicked off the event at 6:00 PM with introduction activity Catch the ball. All volunteers and participants introduced themselves in a very entertaining manner.
We also had one more ice-breaker sessions where every participant was supposed to pick one random participant from the attendees and form a team. Then one person from each is supposed to teach something new to the other person in a given time of one minute, and then they changes roles for next one minute for vice-versa. This! This changed everything. The Participants started getting familiar to each other and Guess what?! After an hour of this ice breaker, everyone were friends <3
Too much love, i know. Moving on, Later we briefed the participants about all the upcoming session as mentioned in agenda for the whole night. We were all set, our minds ready.We had only one goal in our heart – Eat, Code, Laugh, Repeat.
The first per-requisite for the event was linux, we needed linux installed in everyone’s laptop. But unfortunately most of participants didn’t have it and that was the first big challege before us. It took us time to finish this part (where participants were very nicely helping each others) and somehow we managed to start the event.
The main session got started by Ram explaining about Mozilla – Mission, projects, products and community. It followed by explaining Firefox OS & its Story to the participants. We also had some Firefox OS devices with us which were shown to participants. Last but not the least, We introduced the man of the hour, Heart of Firefox OS, Marketplace <3 and closed the first session for Dinner.
Dinner and Gossip | 9.30 PM.
Post dinner, we had a surprise for the participants. A online video interaction session with Amy Tsay, the Community manager for Firefox Marketplace project. It hyped the whole atmosphere, they were motivated and were ready to go. Thanks to Amy for joining us on Firefox Hello. 😀
After the video call,The night was spent on quick introductions on –
- Bugs lift-cycle, Different status and resolutions of bugs
- Whiteboard & Flags
- How to search bugs
- About bugsahoy
- Bugzilla etiquettes
- Release cycle of Mozilla products (how and when are your changes pushed to production)
- This session was opened by one of participants, Ravi Teja (wow /). We were really honoured to have such awesome audience with us. He gave the basic knowledge of git to everyone.
- Since git is the most important part of such contributions, we set up a sample repository and asked everyone to make changes and submit pull requests. Many people got conflicts, and that was what we had it. So they learn about these things. We got 10 PRs on this repo, few of which had conflicts, which were resolved by participants themselves and finally merged. This was the another challenging part of the event where participants were finding it very touch to deal with the syncing remote branch with upstream branch.
IRC, Mailing list
We talked about how much IRC & mailing lists are helpful in open source world and gave some information about how to use these channels for communication. We had hands-on on #marketplaceday channel
Tick tick tick – This was 3 in Morning – People were feeling every energy less. This was the time to have some more ice-breakers 😀 This time we had Rule of seven and Ali baba and the 40 thieves. This was really fun and much more than enough to fill audience back with energy.
Before getting started with the code contribution to the marketplace project, we talked about all awesome work which the marketplace community do 🙂 Here is the link of slides deck used for the event.
Setting up fireplace & docker
This was initially supposed to be a separate session, but you know what ? Till we reached here as part of the event flow, many of our awesome participants were already done with everything set up on their systems. They also faced many issues, but they fixed them themselves. The best part was the collaboration of participants – Solving issues while setting environments like a Community. <3
Thanks to whole Marketplace engineers team for helping us in having the sample good-first-bugs ready for the event in prior. We shared this list of good-first-bugs with audience and they started working on them right away. ( Trust me, Too much of enthusiasm). Few of them search and found the bugs and they were already working on few of those bugs.
The participants all together worked on 15 bugs and submitted 11 pull requests during the event. They also filed 5 new bugs during the event. The event etherpad has all useful links and other information used during the event.
The clock hit 6 AM – we didn’t even realize – people were busy coding and submitting PRs. But we had to close the event, so we all gathered again in a circle. We asked all volunteers to share their experience about the event and the take-aways. This was really nice to hear from the audience about their awesome experience, and we were also very delighted to share with them the they were also the great audience !
We had lot of swags, and were happy to give them to the super awesome participants who did really great job whole night! Swags blew the minds of participants as it has that cute marktelplace pendrive as well (Thanks Amy for the pendrives). We ended the event with a many group picture in all crazy ways and went back to sleep 😀
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