Kids remixing the Web pages using Webmaker tools
The Maker Party Bangalore (Hive Pop-up) 2013 was a day of learning, making and ideas, and as we concluded the event, the makers present there see it as a beginning to much more braintrust in the coming days. There were 15 Maker stations teaching and showcasing all things technology. The stations were a combination of technical how-tos, hands-on making and demo of some cool technologies/ makes. The major goal of each station was to install the maker thinking in participants by the way of making as learning.
Maker Party 2013 was kick-started by President Obama at White House Science Fair in April. Maker Party: Bangalore 2013 is the first Mozilla Hive India initiative in an attempt to map and empower a community of educators and creative people who share a passion to innovate, evolve and change the learning landscape in India. This event was a platform to connect diverse organizations, people and encourage connected learning.
The Pop-up event had a simple science fair setting where the partners shared something exciting, taught something new in an engaging way.
Sudar Muthu sharing about Raspberry Pi
The Organizations/Makers who participated at Maker Party:
- Mozilla
- Redd Robotics
- 3Ding
- Robo Inventions
- Dhruva Space
- Simple Labs
- Sudar Muthu – Hardware Hacker
- Bangalore Maker Space group
- NICHE (New Ideas in Children’s Education)
- Cycloid
- Arduino India
- Rasagy Sharma – Information & Interface Design
- Fabian Hesse
Mozilla community members from across India volunteered to help at the event. Michelle Thorne, Global Event Strategist at Mozilla Foundation joined at Maker Party Bangalore.
Students and teachers from ‘My School, Bangalore’ participated at the event with great energy.
And now as we’ve immersed in intense day of learning, before the start of lunchbreak everyone got ready for an impressive Quadcopter show.
Pratheesh from Robo Inventions demoing Quadcopter
From the amazing food to the perfect venue and awesome people, Maker Party Bangalore was a hit! One of the main reasons to host Maker Party at Jaaga was it is a place which resonates with the event theme to explore, create and share.
Jaaga – The Creative Common Ground
Overall the event was a grand success with a productive outcome. The event came to an end with everyone sharing their best moment from the day! One of the participant said that Maker Party made him proud as a engineer. Fabian, who just landed in India 3 days back before the event was thrilled to discover the strong Maker group at a single place. We would like to thank all our partners, Mozilla community members and the participants for all the awesomeness they added. See all the great pics from the event here.
The Hive India:
Hive India is a proposed network of organizations that share resources to advance learning in India. The Hive Learning Network supports connected learning experiences that prepare tweens, teens, and young adults from college, the workforce, and civic participation. Hive India promotes experiential learning through the interests of young people and the creative use of digital media.
Maker Party: Bangalore 2013 was the first Mozilla Hive India initiative. The Hive India idea is just evolving and we would like you to be part of the dialogue. Looking at the response at the Maker Party Bangalore assured us to explore and move ahead with this thought. We welcome you to be part of the discussion and help shape the Hive/Maker Network.
We are thrilled about the initiative and are persuaded by the kind of positive change it is bringing at locations across the globe.
Join us at the follow-up Meetup:
We will be hosting the first follow-up meetup of Maker Party Bangalore shortly. The main objective(s) of this meetup:
- Status of Maker community in India
- Evaluate existing networks across the globe – learning’s
- To discuss what connected learning/teaching means to the interested individual/ organizations
- Identify the opportunities regionally, and do the mapping exercise: what can each partner offer and what do they need.
- Collectively build next steps for what is in for Hive India
- Next Orchestrated Maker Party – Early 2014
If this sounds exciting to you and if you would like to add awesomeness to the discussion, please share your details here and we will get back to you with the date and location.
Who can join at this meetup?
Any organization/ person who like the idea of connected learning, learning by making and incorporate this idea to their project and help bring positive change from their skills, resources and technology. The areas include but not limited: video, music, digital media, comics, story telling, game design, electronics, robotics, journalism etc. And who can help with making the right connections.
We wish you join us in changing the learning landscape in India.
— Photo set 1
— Photo set 2
— Photo set 3
— Photo set by Cycloid
— Photo set by Jaaga
— Photo set by Deb
— Blogpost by Mozilla
— Blogpost by Umesh
— Blogpost by Priyanka
— Blogpost by Cycloid
— Blogpost by Sudar Muthu
— Maker Party postcard (remix & share!)
— Hive India Facebook page— @WikiCommons features psubhashish‘s video on 3Dprinting shot at MakerParty on its homepage
— Maker Party media posted at Wikimedia commons by psubhashish
Please share link(s) to your photos or blogpost from the event, we would love to add them here. Email us at: events at mozillandia dot org
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